We have postponed the event
Tuesday, June 20th 2023
7:30 to 8:30
Continental Breakfast
Location: Soden Lounge/Bateman
8:30 to 8:35
Conference Opening
Location: McNally
8:35 to 8:45
Opening MC Remarks: Welcome to INTEGRATE23
Location: McNally
Barbara Porco, CPA/CFE PhD Accounting Professor/Associate Dean Fordham University
Accounting & Finance Track
8:45 to 9:15
Distinguished Keynote: Caroline Sullivan
Location: McNally
Distinguished keynotes place us in the shoes of CFOs, CSOs or other stakeholders working closely with or for CFOs, with the intention of providing honest and comprehensive overviews of a variety of pathways toward integrated multicapital thinking and action. Attendees can expect an exploration of how and why the highlighted speaker’s organization got started on their ESG/sustainability journey, how they are engaging or being engaged both internally and externally, triumphs and/or challenges they have faced to date, as well as opportunities and struggles they anticipate going forward.
Caroline Sullivan, Chief Accounting Officer & Corporate Controller Moody’s
Fire-Side Chat
9:15 to 9:45
Pillar 1 Fire-Side Chat
Location: McNally
Governance as an Enabler of the Broader ESG and Sustainability Journeys
This conversation will discuss the role of Governance as a key enabler of progress for the broader ESG and sustainability journeys. The Board and the C-Suite set the tone and direction for any business, and the degree to which ESG and sustainability priorities are integrated depends heavily on whether the right kinds of leadership are present at the top. From making a compelling business case internally, to educating executives and/or employees, to setting up structures and processes conducive to company-wide adoption and execution, this session will provide an overview of the key elements of a well-equipped Governance function.
Jake Walko, Director of ESG Investing & Global Investment Stewardship at Thornburg
Randall Strickland, Sustainable Finance
Geoff Trotter, CEO Regennabis
9:45 to 10:30
Lunch and Networking Break
Location: Soden Lounge/Bateman
10:30 to 12:00
100s Overview, 200s Deep Dives, 505 Deep Dive/Working Session
10:30 to 11:15
Pillar 1 Governance & Risk Workshop (101) Overview
Location: Costantino 1
Executive Incentives for Strong Action on ESG and Sustainability
This session will share and analyze recent trends around a range of both tangible and intangible incentives that can help executives prioritize strong action on ESG and sustainability. Speakers will also make a number of specific recommendations with respect to emerging best practices from companies that are starting to ‘get it right.’
Fiona Watson, Senior Director, Governance and Capital WBCSD
Jake Walko, Director of ESG Investing & Global Investment Stewardship at Thornburg
Accounting & Finance Track
10:30 to 12:00
Pillar 3 (303) DEEP DIVE Corporate Decision Systems For ESG Innovation
Location: Costantino 2
Operations & Procurement Workshop: A Guide to Sustainable Procurement and Net-Zero Procurement Tools
Our purchasing decisions define us. Sustainable organizations practice sustainable procurement. That is, they obtain best value for money by purchasing the most sustainable goods and services from the most sustainable suppliers. Sustainable procurement is also an untapped market force that will drive sustainable business practices throughout supply chains. This session will provide an overview of a new questionnaire that helps any organization self-assess its progress on integrating sustainable procurement approaches into its current procurement processes. It will also provide overviews of a companion SME-friendly tool that helps suppliers self-assess their sustainability performance, and a net-zero procurement toolkit that can be used to quick-start sustainable procurement.
Bob Willard, Speaker and author of world-class resources for sustainability champions
Kris Spriano, Technical Programs Director at Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council, ISSP-SEA
Lauren Rogge Senior Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability Services at EY
Accounting & Finance Track
10:30 to 12:00
Pillar 5 From SASB, TCFD, and Integrated Reporting to the ISSB Deep Dive Working Session — Sponsored by Deloitte
Location: McNally
From SASB, TCFD, and Integrated Reporting to the ISSB
Session Description: Are you a SASB or TCFD reporter – or planning to be? Do you want to know how U.S. companies can make the leap to integrated thinking? The newly-created International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has proposed a global baseline of sustainability disclosure standards based on the SASB Standards, Integrated Reporting Framework and TCFD recommendations. Following briefings on the work of the ISSB and the state of integrated reporting in the U.S., participants will engage in a set of interactive, workshop-style activities on applying the ISSB standards within an organization.
Speakers include:
Neil Stewart, IFRS Foundation
Dr. Alex Gold, CEO BWD North America
Participant activities include:
Understanding sustainability through the lens of value creation
Materiality assessment for investors and other stakeholders
Using the ISSB standards to perform an ESG strategy gap analysis
Dr. Alex Gold, PhD. Head of ESG CEO of BWD North America
Neil Stewart, Director of Corporate Outreach, The IFRS Foundation
11:15 to 12:00
Pillar 2 Context for Setting Science-Based Goals (102) Overview
Location: Costantino 1
Whole System Approaches to Corporate Sustainability
Human societies are transforming rapidly. Unprecedented and often unexpected change is occurring at increasing rates (e.g. Covid, Ukraine, political turmoil, climate change, among many others). Recent CSR and SRI efforts have greatly benefited business and society, but they are not nearly enough to resolve the multiple interconnected and interdependent crises we are facing. New paradigm approaches are needed that shift the focus to addressing root causes and driving systemic change. This session frames up practical whole system approaches that can carry work of such magnitude.
Frank Dixon, ESG and System Change Pioneer, Financial & Corporate Sector Advisor, Book Author, Professional Speaker
Martin Rich, Co-Founder & Co- CEO, Future-Fit Foundation
Jeff Gowdy, Director at Sustainserv GmBH/Inc.
12:00 to 1:30
Lunch & Networking Break
Location: Soden Lounge/Bateman
1:30 to 3:00
100s Overview, 200s Deep Dives, 505 Deep Dive/Working Session
1:30 to 2:15
Corporate Decision Systems For ESG Innovation (103) Overview
Location: Costantino 1
Effective Decision-Making for Beginners and Intermediate Practitioners
This session serves as an introduction to building productive internal decision-making processes and systems for credible action in pursuit of ambitious ESG and/or sustainability goals. The tactics and tools shared here will help you to begin to embed sustainability throughout your business and connect the dots between sustainability and financial performance.
Helen Sahi, VP Sustainability at Armstrong World Industries
Lindsay Wilkinson, Senior Director, CSR & ESG Reporting at Cox Enterprises
Mary Adams, Author, Consultant Insights 7, Helping business leaders deliver sustainable corporate value through ESG optimization
1:30 to 3:00
Pillar 2 Context for Setting Science-Based Goals (302) Deep Dive
Location: Costantino 2
Whole System Change Workshop
Building on the introductory 102 session of this pillar, this interactive workshop demonstrates three practical whole system transformation approaches – System Change Investing, Future-Fit and PivotGoals.
Frank Dixon, ESG and System Change Pioneer, Financial & Corporate Sector Advisor, Book Author, Professional Speaker
Martin Rich, Co-Founder & Co- CEO, Future-Fit Foundation
Jeff Gowdy, Director at Sustainserv GmBH/Inc.
Accounting & Finance Track
1:30 to 3:00
Pillar 5 Carbon Accounting and Reporting: From Theory to Practice Deep Dive Working Session — Sponsored by Deloitte
Location: McNally
Session Description: This session will provide practical guidance on current best practices around all aspects of carbon accounting and reporting. Key topics include:
Understanding leading standards, frameworks and legislation (including EU’s CSRD, which is expected to impact more than 4,000 US and Canadian businesses with large operations in the EU)
Getting comfortable with different scopes of carbon accounting and what they mean
Setting science-based goals using SBTi and getting targets validated
Making smart distinctions between ‘net zero,’ ‘carbon neutral’ and other popular pledges
Aligning data and reporting with TCFD requirements
Understanding the extent to which different reporting standards and frameworks are used by companies
Understanding what information and data are subject to assurance, and how accounting firms and other verification providers are going about it
Understanding the extent to which GHG Scope 3 emissions are reported and subject to assurance
Navigating and selecting technology partners across all aspects of carbon accounting and reporting.
Dennis McGowan, VP Professional Practice Center for Audit Quality
Arnaud Brohe CEO at Agendi
Alyssa Rade, Chief Sustainability Officer Sustain. Life
Accounting & Finance Track
2:15 to 3:00
Pillar 4 Sustainability Finance (104) Overview
Location: Costantino 1
Sustainability Finance
Sustainability finance uses a multi-capitals “systems” approach and ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) data to inform all decision making around the operations and outputs of a business. Sustainability finance takes into consideration all stakeholders, externalities and impacts that are created in running the business and puts mechanisms and investments in place to restore the systems upon which it relies to create its products and services. Sustainability Finance creates protocols to deploy capital into ESG innovation at scale.
During the conference sessions that are dedicated to Pillar 4, our sustainability finance experts and thought leaders will address the following three topics:
(1) The Impact of New Sustainability Due Diligence Laws on Your Company and Its Global Value Chain
(a) A new category of law
(b) Due diligence activities
(c) Value chain obligations
(d) Changing management roles and organizational structure
(2) Tokenomics
(a) Blockchain revolution
(b) The Tech Curve
(c) FinTech Renaissance
(d) Crypto Future
(3) Sector evolution from a lightly regulated, entrepreneurially funded structure to a (relatively) heavily regulated, capital markets funded structure
(a) Public Stakeholders
(b) Private Internal Stakeholders
(c) Private External Stakeholders
(d) Single Issue Stakeholders
Dr. Michael Kraten, PhD., CPA & Director of Accounting Program Initiatives at University of Houston
Allen Campbell, JD, Speaker, Author and Consultant on Sustainability/ESG.
Chris Fure, Strategy & Development -CSO & CDO officer at Ojingo Labs
3:00 to 3:45
Networking Break
Location: Soden Lounge/Bateman
Fire-Side Chat Accounting & Finance Track
3:45 to 4:15
Pillar 3 Fire-Side Chat
Location: McNally
The ‘Art and Science’ of an Influential and Effective CSO
This conversation will immerse the audience in the practical realities of the life of a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) and their team(s). Two veteran CSOs will share their experiences leveraging their roles to influence C-Suites, Boards, suppliers, customers and other key stakeholders in the direction of finding win-win outcomes on their companies’ ever-evolving sustainability journeys. This session is designed to be applicable to both seasoned practitioners and beginners / more junior roles in sustainability.
Helen Sahi, VP Sustainability at Armstrong World Industries
Brent Trenga, LEED AP BD+C, Well AP Director of Sustainability at Kingspan, North America
Barbara Porco, CPA/CFE PhD Accounting Professor/Associate Dean Fordham University
Fire-side Chat Accounting & Finance Track
4:15 to 4:45
Fire-side Chat: Future Trends: Academic Perspectives
Location: McNally
Join our academic team of sustainability faculty as they debate and discuss future trends in ESG finance. Audience participation will be encouraged!
Dr. Michael Kraten, PhD., CPA & Director of Accounting Program Initiatives at University of Houston
Barbara Porco, CPA/CFE PhD Accounting Professor/Associate Dean Fordham University
4:15 to 4:45
End of day Summary Barbara Porco
Location: McNally
Barbara Porco, CPA/CFE PhD Accounting Professor/Associate Dean Fordham University
Location: Soden Lounge/Bateman
Cocktail Reception
Location: Soden Lounge/Bateman
Wednesday, June 21st 2023
7:30 to 8:30
Continental Breakfast
Location: Soden Lounge
8:30 to 8:35
Conference Opening
Location: McNally
8:35 to 8:45
Opening MC Remarks: Day 2 Andreas Friis Founder & Executive Chair at Sustainability Hub Norway CFO Leadership Network
Location: McNally
Andreas Friis, Executive Chair & Founder at S-HUB
Keynote Accounting & Finance Track
8:45 to 9:15
Distinguished Keynote: Deloitte COO Mike Dougherty
Location: McNally
Distinguished keynote to discuss best practices on how to do Integrated Reporting to meet the SEC guidelines on Climate Disclosures.
Mike Dougherty, Chief Operating Officer Deloitte
Fire-Side Chat
Accounting & Finance Track
9:15 to 9:45
Pillar 5 Fire-Side Chat — Sponsored by Deloitte
Location: McNally
The Continued Evolution of Sustainability Reporting: An Up-to-Date Overview
This session will compare and contrast the key principles and directions of the most prominent sustainability reporting standards at this point in time.
Kristen Sullivan, Global Audit & Assurance Sustainability and Climate Services Leader, Deloitte
Pepijn Rijvers, Executive Vice President World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Neil Stewart, Director of Corporate Outreach, The IFRS Foundation
9:45 to 10:30
Networking Break
Location: Soden Lounge/Bateman
10:30 to 12:00
100s Overview, 200s Deep Dives, 505 Deep Dive/Working Session
Accounting & Finance Track
10:30 to 11:15
Pillar 1 Governance & Risk Workshop (101) Overview
Location: Costantino 1
Engaging the C-Suite and Building a Roadmap for Success
This session will cover some of the most validated approaches to engaging the C-Suite on a successful journey toward integrated multi-capital leadership. Speakers will share practical insights that can help any company build a metrics-driven and/or values-driven internal 'compass' to help prioritize ESG and sustainability and chart an ambitious path forward.
Jake Walko, Director of ESG Investing & Global Investment Stewardship at Thornburg
Evan Harvey, Audit & Assurance Managing Director, Sustainability & ESG Services, Deloitte
Accounting & Finance Track
10:30 to 12:00
Pillar 3 (303) DEEP DIVE Corporate Decision Systems For ESG Innovation
Location: Costantino 2
Operations & Procurement Workshop: A Guide to Sustainable Procurement and Net-Zero Procurement Tools
Our purchasing decisions define us. Sustainable organizations practice sustainable procurement. That is, they obtain best value for money by purchasing the most sustainable goods and services from the most sustainable suppliers. Sustainable procurement is also an untapped market force that will drive sustainable business practices throughout supply chains. This session will provide an overview of a new questionnaire that helps any organization self-assess its progress on integrating sustainable procurement approaches into its current procurement processes. It will also provide overviews of a companion SME-friendly tool that helps suppliers self-assess their sustainability performance, and a net-zero procurement toolkit that can be used to quick-start sustainable procurement.
Bob Willard, Speaker and author of world-class resources for sustainability champions
Kris Spriano, Technical Programs Director at Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council, ISSP-SEA
Lauren Rogge Senior Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability Services at EY
Accounting & Finance Track
10:30 to 12:00
Pillar 5 From SASB, TCFD, and Integrated Reporting to the ISSB Deep Working Session — Sponsored by Deloitte
Location: McNally
Session Description: Are you a SASB or TCFD reporter – or planning to be? Do you want to know how U.S. companies can make the leap to integrated thinking? The newly-created International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has proposed a global baseline of sustainability disclosure standards based on the SASB Standards, Integrated Reporting Framework and TCFD recommendations. Following briefings on the work of the ISSB and the state of integrated reporting in the U.S., participants will engage in a set of interactive, workshop-style activities on applying the ISSB standards within an organization.
Speakers include:
Neil Stewart, IFRS Foundation
Dr. Alex Gold, CEO BWD North America
Participant activities include:
Understanding sustainability through the lens of value creation
Materiality assessment for investors and other stakeholders
Using the ISSB standards to perform an ESG strategy gap analysis
Dr. Alex Gold, PhD. Head of ESG CEO of BWD North America
Neil Stewart, Director of Corporate Outreach, The IFRS Foundation
11:15 to 12:00
Pillar 2 Context for Setting Science-Based Goals (102) Overview
Location: Costantino 1
Whole System Approaches to Corporate Sustainability
Human societies are transforming rapidly. Unprecedented and often unexpected change is occurring at increasing rates (e.g. Covid, Ukraine, political turmoil, climate change, among many others). Recent CSR and SRI efforts have greatly benefited business and society, but they are not nearly enough to resolve the multiple interconnected and interdependent crises we are facing. New paradigm approaches are needed that shift the focus to addressing root causes and driving systemic change. This session frames up practical whole system approaches that can carry work of such magnitude.
Frank Dixon, ESG and System Change Pioneer, Financial & Corporate Sector Advisor, Book Author, Professional Speaker
Martin Rich, Co-Founder & Co- CEO, Future-Fit Foundation
Jeff Gowdy, Director at Sustainserv GmBH/Inc.
12:00 to 1:30
Lunch & Networking Break
Location: Soden Lounge/Bateman
1:30 to 2:15
Pillar 3 Corporate Decision Systems For ESG Innovation (103) Overview
Location: Costantino 1
Effective Decision-Making for Beginners and Intermediate Practitioners
This session serves as an introduction to building productive internal decision-making processes and systems for credible action in pursuit of ambitious ESG and/or sustainability goals. The tactics and tools shared here will help you to begin to embed sustainability throughout your business and connect the dots between sustainability and financial performance.
Helen Sahi, VP Sustainability at Armstrong World Industries
Lindsay Wilkinson, Senior Director, CSR & ESG Reporting at Cox Enterprises
Mary Adams, Author, Consultant Insights 7, Helping business leaders deliver sustainable corporate value through ESG optimization
Accounting & Finance Track
1:30 to 3:00
Pillar 1 Governance and Risk Mitigation (301) Deep Dive
Location: Costantino 2
Assessing ESG Credentials and Telling Leaders from Laggards
Session Description: In this session, we will discuss how the Board and the C-Suite view new governance factors in consideration of climate change and purpose. Board governance refers to the way in which a company's board of directors oversees the management of the organization. As environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, including climate change, become more significant for businesses, board governance has taken on a greater role in managing these risks and opportunities. Effective board governance related to ESG and climate change involves establishing a clear understanding of the company's risks and opportunities related to these issues, establishing appropriate policies and procedures to manage these risks and opportunities, and providing oversight to ensure that the company is effectively managing ESG and climate-related issues. This involves establishing committees or task forces focused specifically on ESG and climate change issues, engaging with stakeholders, and ensuring that the company's reporting is transparent and accurate. Ultimately, board governance related to ESG and climate change is about ensuring that the company is effectively managing these risks and opportunities to create long-term value for all stakeholders. This session will cover the “how to” aspects of building these parameters into board governance and how to design the building blocks of credible methodologies for assessing ESG credentials. The presenters will also share respective recommendations for (1) governance systems and processes from a company perspective, and (2) portfolio design and optimization from an investor perspective. Learn how to tell true ESG leadership from the abundance of noise out there.
Jake Walko, Director of ESG Investing & Global Investment Stewardship at Thornburg
Evan Harvey, Audit & Assurance Managing Director, Sustainability & ESG Services, Deloitte
Accounting & Finance Track
1:30 to 3:00
Pillar 5 Carbon Accounting and Reporting: From Theory to Practice Deep Dive Working Session — Sponsored by Deloitte
Location: McNally
Session Description: This session will provide practical guidance on current best practices around all aspects of carbon accounting and reporting. Key topics include:
Understanding leading standards, frameworks and legislation (including EU’s CSRD, which is expected to impact more than 4,000 US and Canadian businesses with large operations in the EU)
Getting comfortable with different scopes of carbon accounting and what they mean
Setting science-based targets using SBTi and getting targets validated
Making smart distinctions between ‘net zero,’ ‘carbon neutral’ and other popular pledges
Aligning data and reporting with TCFD requirements
Understanding the extent to which different reporting standards and frameworks are used by companies
Understanding what information and data are subject to assurance, and how accounting firms and other verification providers are going about it
Understanding the extent to which GHG Scope 3 emissions are reported and subject to assurance
Navigating and selecting technology partners across all aspects of carbon accounting and reporting.
Alyssa Rade, Chief Sustainability Officer Sustain. Life
Arnaud Brohe CEO at Agendi
2:30 to 3:00
Accounting & Finance Track
2:15 to 3:00
Pillar 4 Sustainability Finance (104) Overview
Location: Costantino 1
Sustainability Finance
Sustainability finance uses a multi-capitals “systems” approach and ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) data to inform all decision making around the operations and outputs of a business. Sustainability finance takes into consideration all stakeholders, externalities and impacts that are created in running the business and puts mechanisms and investments in place to restore the systems upon which it relies to create its products and services. Sustainability Finance creates protocols to deploy capital into ESG innovation at scale.
During the conference sessions that are dedicated to Pillar 4, our sustainability finance experts and thought leaders will address the following three topics:
(1) The Impact of New Sustainability Due Diligence Laws on Your Company and Its Global Value Chain
(a) A new category of law
(b) Due diligence activities
(c) Value chain obligations
(d) Changing management roles and organizational structure
(2) Tokenomics
(a) Blockchain revolution
(b) The Tech Curve
(c) FinTech Renaissance
(d) Crypto Future
(3) Sector evolution from a lightly regulated, entrepreneurially funded structure to a (relatively) heavily regulated, capital markets funded structure
(a) Public Stakeholders
(b) Private Internal Stakeholders
(c) Private External Stakeholders
(d) Single Issue Stakeholders
Dr. Michael Kraten, PhD., CPA & Director of Accounting Program Initiatives at University of Houston
Allen Campbell, JD, Speaker, Author and Consultant on Sustainability/ESG.
Chris Fure, Strategy & Development CSO & CDO officer at Ojingo Labs
3:00 to 3:45
Networking Break
Location: Soden Lounge/Bateman
Fire-Side Chat
3:45 to 4:15
Pillar 2 Fire-Side Chat
Location: McNally
Whole System Context for Science-based Goals and Strategies
Industry experts and sustainability leaders will discuss the contexts for developing highly effective and profitable sustainability strategies. Key issues addressed include the root causes of human unsustainability, systemic changes needed to achieve the SDGs, and the corporate and financial sectors’ roles in bringing about these changes.
Frank Dixon, ESG and System Change Pioneer, Financial & Corporate Sector Advisor, Book Author, Professional Speaker MODERATOR
Michelle Laramie Lund COO, Better Energy A/S
Dan Ridings, Chief Operations Officer Energy Datametrics
Accounting & Finance Track
4:15 to 4:45
Distinguished Keynote: Risk Mitigation: How Understanding Global ESG & T Megatrends Helps Futureproof Your Business
Location: McNally
This keynote will address some of the most significant megatrends the global economy will face over the next 2-3 years and how finance and sustainability professionals and business leaders can transform ESG & T risk into resilience and value. Andrea will address the emerging nexus between sustainability, finance, and technology and discuss real-world implementation of urgently needed solutions to our most pressing sustainability challenges and how to bring about transformational ESG & T change in business, organizations and society at large to the benefit of both shareholders and key stakeholders.
Andrea Bonime-Blanc, JD/PhD Founder and CEO GEC RISK Advisory
Andrea is a sought-after expert in strategic governance, risk, ESG, tech, ethics, and cyber risks to businesses and governments. She is board director, NACD 2022 Directorship100 Honoree and Life Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She is also the author of Gloom to Boom (Routledge 2020) and the annual The ESGT Megatrends Manuals (Diplomatic Courier 2021, 2022, 2023).
MC Summary and Closing remarks Andreas Friis
Location: McNally
4:45 to 5:00
Conference Ends